Installation and labor costs make up a considerable portion of the total plumbing system cost. With FlowGuard® Plus CPVC, the best CPVC pipes in India, it is easy and safe to quickly assemble a strong, leak-free plumbing system. This speed and reliability allow for cost savings, improved safety, and long-term joint strength.
On average, FlowGuard® Plus CPVC installation time is up to 50% faster than PPR. FlowGuard Plus CPVC plumbing systems offer superior installation because they:
No electricity or heat required to install
Easy Installation in confined space
Reliable over its life—in use since 1960
Fused together using solvent cement
Require no heavy equipment
Better tensile
Solvent cement welding is a fast, safe installation method often recommended for FlowGuard® Plus CPVC Pipes and Fittings. Unlike glue, solvent cement fuses pipe and fittings together at the molecular level, forming a permanent joint that becomes the strongest part of the system.
Cutting the Pipe
FlowGuard® Plus Pipes can be cut using ratchet cutters*, wheel cutters or a fine tooth saw. Measure the pipe length and make a visible marking. Ensure that the pipe and fittings are compatible in size. Cut the pipe squarely to get an optimal bonding area.Inspect pipe ends thoroughly before jointing. If a crack or splintering is noticed cut-off a minimum of 25 mm beyond the visible crack before proceeding. *Do not use ratchet cutters on previously installed pipe.
Prepare the pipe & fittings
Burrs in and on the pipe end can obstruct flow/proper contact between the pipe and socket of the fitting during assembly and should be removed from both in and outside of the pipe. A 15 mm dia half-round file/a pen knife or a deburring tool is suitable for this purpose. A slight bevel on the end of the pipe will ease the entry of the pipe into the socket of the fitting socket.
Fitting Preparation
Using a clean dry rag, wipe the dirt and moisture from the fitting sockets and pipe end. Dry fit the pipe to ensure total entry into the bottom of the fittings socket and make a visible marking using a felt tip pen.
One Step Solvent Cement Procedure
Use FlowGuard® Plus CPVC Solvent cement conforming to ASTM F-493 to ensure a perfect solvent weld joint. When making a joint, apply an even coat of solvent cement at the end of the pipe and also inside the fitting socket. Do not use thickened or lumpy solvent cement. It should have a flowing consistency like that of syrup or paint.
Immediately insert the pipe into the fitting socket, rotate the pipe 1/4 to 1/2 turn while inserting. This motion ensures an even distribution of solvent cement within the joint. Properly align the fittings as per patented alignment system shown with picture diagram on the right side. Hold the assembly for 30 seconds to allow the joint to setup and avoid push-out. A bead of One-Step solvent cement must be formed around the entire socket fitting entrance. With a clean, dry cloth remove the excess solvent cement from the surface of the pipe and fitting.
Ensure proper coverage of cement on the pipe and fitting. Too little solvent cement can result in gaps and leak paths, and too much solvent cement may puddle in the fittings and/or pipe softening the material.
Do not pre-assemble the plumbing system without solvent cement, this increases the risk of dry-fit failures.
Dry-fits are extremely rare and avoidable with proper installation practices. Always visually inspect the joint to verify the presence of a continuous bead of solvent cement at the fitting.
Do not place hangers or straps that restrict the natural movement of the pipe caused by expansion and contraction.
Always allow room for expansion and contraction of the pipe.
Do not butt-up elbows or tees against fixed structures (joists, studs, walls, etc…).
When cutting into aged pipe, use a fine tooth saw or wheel cutter. Do not use ratchet cutters on aged pipe.
Never use scissor-type pipe cutters.
Only use chemically compatible ancillary building products.
Never install plumbing pipes in uninsulated areas which may be subject to freezing and Avoid excessive stress in the system.
At times it may be necessary to modify or repair a CPVC plumbing system. Thankfully, FlowGuard® Plus, the best CPVC pipes, are easy to cut, relatively lightweight, and simple to install directly on-site without the use of complicated tools or electricity. It is also ideal for repairs in confined, hard-to-reach areas like walls or ceilings where it is difficult to properly heat all the way around a seam.
Easy installation and long-term durability make FlowGuard® CPVC the best piping material for retrofit projects.
If you are interested in training and support, our team of experts are available to walk you through the process or come onsite and offer in-person training.