Purchasing the right material for residential or commercial plumbing systems boils down to one doubt: CPVC vs PVC: Which one to choose? To understand what the difference between PVC and CPVC, you must know their making, characteristics, applications, and limitations. If you are on the quest to know which is better CPVC or PVC, read on!
The full form of PVC pipe is polyvinyl chloride pipe. It is most commonly used in plumbing and drainage systems as an alternative to metal pipes. PVC pipe is known for its durability, strength, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness, making it one of the most prevalently used plastics in the world. It is a thermoplastic material that is moulded in various shapes for the manufacturing of pipes, fittings, valves, and other liquid handling supplies. Some of the PVC pipe uses include its applications in:
The prefix "poly" means "many" in Latin. Polymers are long chains of monomeric basic units. Vinyl is a type of hydrocarbon group found in plastics. The molecular formula of vinyl chloride monomer, or the fundamental unit for polyvinyl chloride, is C2H3Cl. Polyvinyl chloride is formed by linking many units of this vinyl chloride monomer through a process known as polymerization.
For choosing the right material type for your plumbing systems, you need to understand the limitations of PVC pipes over CPVC pipes to make the right decision. Here are a few limitations you must consider before making the choice:
Both PVC and CPVC resins begin as powders or pellets, often with additives already mixed in. The resin is then shaped or moulded into residential, commercial, and industrial products.
PVC and CPVC are moulded using one of two methods:
CPVC pipes made using the FlowGuard® Plus CPVC compound are the most trusted products widely used for residential and commercial plumbing systems across India. The FlowGuard Plus CPVC compound is the best-in-class as it ensures corrosion resistance, temperature resistance of up to 93°C, UV and fire resistance, ease of installation, long-life performance, low maintenance cost, impressive pressure resistance, and high impact resistance. All of these factors make FlowGuard® Plus CPVC Pipes the best choice for various applications.
It is better to use CPVC instead of PVC because it is a more stable polymer and can withstand higher temperatures in comparison to PVC.
No. PVC is generally not recommended for drinking water because the processes of outgassing and migration of chemical compounds from the plastic will occur when the PVC gets heated.
Materials such as clay, glass, ceramics, and linoleum may prove safer alternatives to PVC.
Yes. PVC pipes are fire-resistant. However, CPVC provides better fire resistance comparatively.