CPVC plumbing systems are some of the most reliable on the market, thanks in large part to their strong pipe and fitting seams. CPVC is welded together using solvent cement, which is much different...
Product information, material comparisons, installation best practices, design considerations, safety information and more from the pioneer in CPVC plumbing technology.
Installing a brand new plumbing system or upgrading an existing one can be a costly venture. That’s why price-conscious plumbers, contractors, and homeowners turn to materials that can save money,...
While a strong, durable material, FlowGuard® CPVC can be damaged if mishandled or improperly stored. For this reason, plumbers should keep the following suggestions in mind when bringing CPVC piping...
Curing is a critical step of the installation process because the solvent cement must dry completely before you fill the pipes with water and test for leaks. If you were to pressurize and test the...
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe and fitting installation is quick and cost-effective. Pipes are joined with an easy solvent cement welding process and inexpensive and readily available...
One of the advantages of the CPVC installation process is that it can be done in hot or cold temperatures. While the FlowGuard® Installation Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to...
Installation is a significant factor in the time it takes to complete a project, the long-term reliability of the plumbing system, and the overall job cost. Each of these factors contributes to your...
With any construction project, there are inherent risks and liabilities. For example, falling objects, powerful machinery, and heat used near flammable materials all create opportunities for injury...
Every construction project, whether a new home or repair job, has its challenges. And when it comes to plumbing, one of the most common is trying to install piping in confined or cluttered areas.
Thermal expansion and contraction is a property of all piping materials. As the water and environmental temperature increases or decreases, the pipe length will fluctuate. The longer the run, the...