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By: FlowGuard EMEA on 21-may-2019 1:00:00
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Why Plumbers Prefer CPVC for Confined Areas

Every construction project, whether a new home or repair job, has its challenges. And when it comes to plumbing, one of the most common is trying to install piping in confined or cluttered areas.

Piping is somewhat flexible, but generally speaking you can’t bend or contort it in any way. Fortunately, this challenge can be easily overcome by going through obstacles (e.g. floor joists) or configuring the system to go around them. The bigger challenge of working in tight spaces is the method required to join pieces of pipe together.

The piping material you select can make a significant impact on the reliability of a weld and the amount of work required to complete it—which directly impacts time and cost.


Why Choose CPVC for Confined Spaces

Copper and green pipe (PPR) both require heat for joining. Effectively heating a seam to ensure a solid seal all the way around the pipe is not easy in a tight area. Oftentimes, these pipes require a torch or a heat fusion machine, which is difficult to use in confined spaces.

For this reason, sections of a piping system are often prefabricated to the extent of the space they’re being installed. Unfortunately, heat will still be required to make at least one seam.

Homeowners may also struggle to perform any repairs or system configurations within that area later down the road. Cutting the pipe and securing a new piece in place may require a skilled hand and/or a lot of patience.

Conversely, FlowGuard® CPVC uses a solvent cement welding process to fuse the piping together. The application of the solvent cement is done with a dauber less than half the size of the pipe opening, perfect for when space is limited.

The solvent cement is applied to the ends of the pipe and fitting. Then the pipe is inserted into the fitting and twisted a quarter turn. That’s all that’s required to make a permanent, complete seal.

With a much higher tensile strength and less thermal expansion than PPR, CPVC also helps lighten loads and grants greater flexibility during installations in tight working spaces─requiring fewer hangers and supports and no unsightly looping in the pipe.


Have Questions about FlowGuard CPVC Piping?

If you have questions about the installation process of FlowGuard CPVC or the security and safety of the piping union, our team of product and construction experts are happy to schedule a time to talk. Contact our team of piping consultants.