Cut Your Pipe Installation in Half with CPVC
In this business, time is everything. That’s why this blog will share a number of useful time saving advantages to help you get the job done quicker, without compromising on a quality installation and good customer service. And we’ll do it all in less than five minutes.
Did you know that you can cut your pipe installation time in half, often more? Your decision to install FlowGuard CPVC® will get your job done quicker, and on to the next customer faster. In a highly competitive industry, that’s a game changer.
Learning The Process
How much time have you spent on the following?
- Training and development
- Coaching team members
- Learning about new products
- Attending courses
FlowGuard CPVC is researched and developed by Lubrizol, one of the biggest organizations of technical support specialists in the world. Our training resources empower installers around the world to get started quicker with FlowGuard CPVC.
Download our free training and installation guides and get started learning the fast, efficient installation process of FlowGuard CPVC right away.
Transporting Everything To Site
How much time have you spent on the following?
- Loading and unloading
- Collecting from suppliers
- Lifting heavy equipment through multi-storey buildings
FlowGuard CPVC is lightweight and requires very few additional tools and equipment to install. In fact, heavy electrical or heating tools are a thing of the past. Less time on the road not only cuts down on project times, but it also requires less energy and impact on the environment.
Getting Access to Your Workspace
How much time have you spent on the following?
- Ensuring the space is clear of residents
- Arranging suitable times to vacate building
- Coordinating your work schedule with local businesses
You can get started installing FlowGuard CPVC sooner, thanks to the safe, hazard-free solvent cement installation process. You no longer have to temporarily relocate occupants, which can put strain on your schedule and even more pressure on your productivity.
Setting up the Workspace
How much time have you spent on the following?
- Powering up soldering and welding tools
- Waiting for equipment to heat up before use
- Locating power supplies and arranging permission
- Waiting for equipment to cool down before relocating
Installation of FlowGuard CPVC is a “cold installation” process. Using simple hand tools and solvent cement, a full installation can happen without delay. Less reliance on additional assets gets you straight to work at the beginning of day one.
Using FlowGuard CPVC doesn’t mean substituting strength for speed; in fact, the joints created using the solvent cement process actually form the strongest parts of the system; a permanent molecular bond that transforms two separate sections into one.
Switching to FlowGuard CPVC doesn’t just mean you have saved time; you have opened up new earning opportunities by spending less time on current projects. You’re boosting your reputation for safe, reliable working, creating a better environment in which you and your customer can thrive.
Visit the website and follow our blog for more information about FlowGuard CPVC and exciting product developments.