What Homeowners are Asking Installers About CPVC
In order to facilitate a switch to CPVC that satisfies everyone involved, it’s important that you can tell your team and customers what they need to know. What’s being installed, what they can expect during installation, what their new system has in store for them and most importantly, why, at the heart of it all, is FlowGuard CPVC.
Expect to hear the following questions about the materials and tools you’ve chosen, and be ready with the answers, along with a reminder of how they can save money along the way.
How Much of it are we Going to Need?
CPVC is strong and rigid, capable of handling high temperatures and pressures. Less materials are therefore needed, as the pipe and fittings are designed to keep flow rate healthy whilst keeping sizes small. Less material means lower overall cost.
How long is this expected to take?
Installation time is vastly reduced when compared to PPR installation, thanks to solvent cement, reducing the number of skilled workers and hours. Strong, reliable CPVC also creates savings in the long term, with a simple repair process of cementing a simple patch, rather than removing and replacing entire sections of the system. Many contractors have reported up to 50% labor cost savings by installing CPVC over PPR.
How much disruption will there be during installation?
With a home improvement as major as a water system upgrade, there will undoubtedly be an unavoidable disturbance to their ordinary life for a while. FlowGuard CPVC’s installation is not only quicker and cost-effective, it is also safer for installers, residents and their communities. CPVC installation requires basic tools that do not require an external heat source or electricity, eliminating the need for heavy machinery. So expect a safer disruption to your day while installation takes place, and continue to enjoy peace and quiet!
Future disruption is also minimised through CPVC using additional patches of solvent cement welding. PPR welding produces significant internal beading at each section, a large portion of which needs to be cut out in order to investigate any problems, before the system can be reworked.
How will I know it’s working?
Customers undergoing a major upgrade at home always benefit from a little reassurance, so it’s helpful to provide them with some useful advice to help them to identify the quality of residential water supplies in the future. For example, turbidity, or cloudiness is a signal of possible pathogens or chemicals. A slimy consistency after washing your hands could be a sign of magnesium or calcium buildup. A yellow, orange, brown or even blue tint to the water is a strong sign that bacteria or corroded metal has made it into the supply.
FlowGuard CPVC has superior resistance against bacteria, thanks to its strength and surface smoothness. FlowGuard CPVC pipes and fittings provide the strongest resistance against contamination.
How long before I have to upgrade again?
This is arguably one of the hardest questions to answer because ultimately, we’re not sure. FlowGuard CPVC systems which were installed over 50 years ago are still intact and performing well, so it’s not actually clear when a replacement is needed.
What we do know is that CPVC is a strong choice for building clean homes for the future; as businesses and families around the world work to reduce energy consumption, CPVC is making a valued contribution. It requires less energy than most polymers, due to its low petroleum content, it requires less energy to transport than copper and it uses significantly less fossil fuels than PPR.
Making the choice to upgrade to FlowGuard CPVC rewards the homeowner with the many benefits of clean, safe water. It also benefits installers with a safe working environment and it benefits communities with a disruption-free workplace.
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