Plumbing System Information and Advice | FlowGuard® CPVC Blog

Demonstrating Safety With FlowGuard CPVC

Written by FlowGuard EMEA | 27-jul-2020 5:00:00

Plumbers working with FlowGuard CPVC for the first time can very quickly deliver peace of mind to the end user, educating them on its history, creation and installation.


Its use for over 50 years in fault-free water distribution systems around the world has helped create the solid reputation FlowGuard CPVC has. Plumbers can deliver peace of mind to customers who want a system to be as effective in the future as it is today.




Its credentials as recognised by NSF International and the Water Regulation Advisory Scheme (WRAS) makes it a popular choice for commercial applications, and its pipes and fittings all meet water supply system requirements such as temperature, pressure and size, therefore suitable for multi-storey applications. To the customer it means this; FlowGuard CPVC is what the professionals use.


How to identify quality

Plumbers can very easily show their customers how to identify potential problems in their water at home. Educate your customers in the tell-tale signs of substandard water. Look out for cloudiness, a ‘slimy’ sensation on the hands, a metallic or ‘bleachy’ taste or discolouration in the water. These are all potential signs of pathogens or chemicals contaminating the water. 

FlowGuard CPVC is equipped to resist bacterial formation and chemical leaching, resulting in a clear glass of water that contains no harmful substances.


How to show CPVC is safer to install

Plumbers can also demonstrate FlowGuard’s commitment to safety in the home through the installation of the materials themselves. The solvent cement method of pipework installation is a safe and quick process which is recognised as much safer for homes than the traditional hot works associated with plastic piping such as PPR.


The fast installation process itself will put your customers’ minds at ease, as FlowGuard pipe and fittings is putting an end to unsafe and complicated working practises in the installation of water distribution systems. The common PPR pipe still used today in many applications still requires heat and electricity to weld pipes together, increasing the risk of heat or toxin-related injury. CPVC is applied using a simple solvent cement, which does not require heat or heavy machinery to use and can be prepared and used in minutes.


How to ensure proper installation of CPVC pipes

FlowGuard CPVC also encourages safer processes when transporting and storing CPVC pipe. For example, it is recommended that pipes are not stored outdoors, or if they are, should be covered with a non-transparent material to prevent discolouration, along with thorough checks for cracks or gouges prior to installation.


FlowGuard CPVC is committed to a professional installation process at all times. If you can demonstrate commitment to water quality and safety at every stage in the process, home owners will trust you to upgrade their homes, and recommend you strongly to others.


Download the Water Safety Guide today so you can answer all your client's questions. 


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